How to Set up access for your New Wave Warriors Proxy Wallet

New Wave Warriors
6 min readOct 2, 2022


Our proxy wallet is a Chrome extension that allows any New Wave Warriors holders access to the utility of any NFT held in our Community Wallet.

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  • Do not use Proxy to spam any Servers
  • Do not Harass anyone in community servers
  • Be respectful of others at all times
  • Do not post excessive profanity, pornography, malicious links, suggestive images, hate-speech, racism, homophobia, anti-lgbtq, sexism, political beliefs, or any other potentially offensive content.
  • Be a good Person. We’re degens at heart but that doesn’t mean to be a terrible person.

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Step 1. Download “New Wave Warriors Proxy” Chrome Extension

Download the New Wave Warriors Proxy .zip folder attached below.

Step 2. Extract the Zip File

Right-click the .zip folder, and select “Extract all”. Extract the zip to a location you can easily find later. (It’s always easy if you leave it on your desktop or in your downloads folder) *NOTE: The extension folder must remain in its location, so place it somewhere it can live permanently. If the folder is deleted in the future, chrome won’t be able to use/load it.

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Step 3. Open Chrome, and create a new “User Profile”

  • Navigate to your chrome browser, and in the top-right hand corner, select the icon to spawn a dropdown menu. Next, navigate to the bottom of the pop-up menu, and select the “+ Add” button.
  • From there select “Continue Without An Account” and name your new user something memorable like “New Wave Access”. This will be the user profile you use when you want to use Proxy Ownership. We separate this out, because you don’t want to mix any of your personal wallets with your proxy wallet.
  • After selecting “Done”, you will automatically enter the new user profile. You’ll notice chrome’s appearance has reset to the default setting, along with a new color scheme. Welcome to your New Profile!

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Step 4. Navigate to “Extensions” and then “Enable Developer Tools”

  • In the top-right hand corner of chrome, click the ellipse button (3 Dots), then navigate to the bottom of the pop-up window, and select “settings”.
  • On the left-hand side of the new window, select the “extensions” category.
  • Within the settings page, toggle “developer mode” in the top-right corner. This will display a few more buttons in a top bar.
  • Select the newly show button labeled “load unpacked”. Navigate to the extracted proxy folder that we unzipped in Step 2. Be sure to select the folder itself.
  • This will add the proxy extension as a new add-on to chrome.

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Step 5. Configure Metamask as usual

  • Proceed through the Metamask setup as you normally would. Select “Get Started”.
  • Select “Create a Wallet”, since each proxy user will have their own unique wallet.
  • Read and agree to any terms at your own discretion. Select “Accept” if you wish to agree and proceed.
  • Create a password for the Metamask extension (this is not the wallet password, just the password to unlock the extension locally).
  • On the “Secret Recovery Phase” click the “CLICK HERE TO REVIEW SECRET WORDS” to reveal your wallet recovery phrase. DO NOT share these phrases with anyone. Save these recovery phrases in a secure location of your choosing, and then select “Next” to proceed.
  • After proceeding, you’ll be taken to your newly created wallet’s display screen. We suggest pinning the extension for easy access at this time. To pin, select the “Puzzle Piece” icon in the top-right of chrome, and then toggle the “pin” icon next to Metamask. This will keep the Metamask icon visible at all times in the browser.

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Step 6. Understanding and Enabling Proxy Functionality

After successfully completing Step 5, you will notice two wallets have been created within Metamask. These wallets are “New Wave Warrior Holder” and “Proxy — New Wave Warriors”. The “New Wave Warrior Holder” wallet is your personal wallet, and the wallet the recovery phrases from earlier relate to. The “Proxy — New Wave Warriors” wallet is there by default to facilitate the signing.

In order to enable Proxy functionality, a user must send 2 New Wave Warrior NFTS of their choosing to the “New Wave Warrior Holder” wallet (NOT THE “Proxy — New Wave Warriors” Wallet, you have been warned!)

  • Copy the wallet address from your new “New Wave Warrior Holder” wallet within the newly configured Metamask extension.
  • Use the copied address to transfer 2 New Wave Warrior NFT from an external personal wallet of your choice into the “New Wave Warrior Holder” wallet. This will enable the Proxy functionality. *NOTE: The “New Wave Warrior Holder” wallet has full-functionality to send/receive NFTs and is safe to send New Wave Warriors to. The “Proxy — New Wave Warriors” wallet does NOT. Again, you have been warned!

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Step 7. Connecting Proxy Wallet / Using Proxy

At this point, the Proxy Wallet is ready to be used across various different locations. Be sure you use the “Proxy — New Wave Warriors” wallet when connecting the wallet to dApps. It is OK if you connect using the incorrect wallet. If this is the case, just disconnect your “New Wave Warrior Holder” wallet, and reconnect using “Proxy — New Wave Warriors”.

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The Proxy Wallet has been tested and confirmed to work across multiple tools and projects however keep in mind you will be using this with other community members so use your best judgement to make sure others are not negatively affected by your actions.

The proxy only works well if everyone behaves like a decent human being, the moment people start harassing projects in their Discords or support chat it will make it very difficult to sustain long term and we can’t guarantee we can keep them going. Be mindful you are getting the benefits of these projects for a small fraction of the cost so some boundaries are expected.

We reserve the right to block access to anyone who behaves in a way that prevent other community members free access to the tools available.

We will do our best to stick to these tools and communities terms of service but it is possible for them to block access to our proxy. Even though it’s easy enough for us to change the wallet address or NFTs we’ll always make sure to follow the rules of the tools we decide to make available.

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Thanks to the MetaMask developers and to the Gray Boys team for the initial idea from which our extension was created.



New Wave Warriors

New Wave Warriors is a collection of 6,666 entitled wen warriors who want to make your stressful degen life easier.